Peach and Hot Pepper Jam

Here is a Joyous Home fall jam favorite! In late August you can find Palisade Peaches everywhere, and boy are they tasty. This peach and hot pepper jam is great comfort food to have in the pantry.

Blanching Peaches

Before chopping peaches for jam, you need to remove the skins. This is really simple! Prepare a bowl of ice and water and sit it in the sink. Boil a pot of water and add peaches. Boil the peaches for 3 minutes. Plunge them into the ice water, cool for 1 minute and start peeling.

Blanching Peaches

Start the water in the canner to boil. Meantime, start the jam mixture.

Put the peaches, peppers, vinegar and lemon into your sauce pot. Heat the mixture a bit, and then add the sugar and pectin (if using). Bring the mixture to a boil. If using pectin, test the thickness at 1 minute. I cooked mine until it started to thicken, about 25 minutes.

Sealing Jars Before Processing

Keep the mixture on low while you boil your jars/lids/seals. (See the note section for guides)

Ladel the mixture into the hot jars, wipe the rim, and seal. Repeat with the remaining jars. Process according to your guide.

Cream Cheese and Hot Pepper Jam

My favorite way to eat this yummy peach and hot pepper jam is with cream cheese on a cracker. I hope you can stack your pantry with some comfort for your next gathering!

Peach and Hot Pepper Jam Recipe

Yield: 12 - 8 oz. jars

Peach and Hot Pepper Jam

Peach and Hot Pepper Jam in Jars

This jam is sure to comfort any meal or appetizer.

Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Additional Time 25 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 10 minutes


  • 8 c. peaches, chopped
  • 7 jalapeño or hot peppers, chopped 1/4" dice (leave in the seeds if you like extra hot, we leave seeds from at least one or two.)
  • 3 red bell peppers, chopped 1/4" dice
  • 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • zest from 2 lemons
  • 3 cups of sugar
  • 1.75 oz package of pectin (optional


  1. Remove the skins of the peaches first. Blanch them for The skins peel right off. You want to make sure it's a full rolling boil.
  2. Put the peaches and peppers into a skillet with the vinegar and lemon. Heat a bit and add the sugar (and pectin if using). Once it comes to a full boil, time about 10 minutes or until it thickens. If you use pectin, full boil only a minute and test it. 
  3. NOTES: This jam isn't thick - we don't mind that. I don't use pectin normally. If you have a lot of juice or like it thicker, use pectin. I haven't experimented with pectin, and this jam turns out the way we like it. 
  4.  We live at 7200 feet. I have usually have to add time to my boil. I water bath can this jam for 25 minutes at that altitude. 
  5. Follow instructions to water bath can for your altitude. You can be heating up the water to boil in the canner while you're making the jam mixture.


On Joyous Home, you'll find everything from food to handiwork, homeschooling to grace-filled living. Along with my daughter, Jessica, we love publishing and blogging about homemaking. We are children of Christ, and imperfect wives and homemakers. We're happy you're here!
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