Fall! Easy Powdered Creamer and Our Best Pumpkin Cake!

Fall is gearing up at our house! I decided to dig out my Seasons at Home Magazines and the Joyous Home Journals and take a peek at our recipe collection. I found some great DYI coffee creamer and our best pumpkin cake.

Fall! Easy Powdered Coffee Creamer and Our Best Pumpkin Cake!

In the 2013 Fall issue, our Classic Pumpkin Cake recipe is under our favorite autumn cakes. Friends who visit rave about this recipe!

Coffee Creamer! I was really surprised trying different combinations and liking them much better than expensive liquid coffee creamer.

Save money by purchasing a large container of powdered coffee creamer and try these super easy combinations. We love the powdered so much better than the liquid!

Basic Ingredients/Instructions

Coffee Creamer Ingredients

We are keeping my pantry real here. My girls of all ages help mark containers! 😀 I’ll list my favorite combinations below.

3 c. non-dairy powdered coffee creamer
1/4 c. – 1/2 c. powdered sugar
2 tsp. your choice flavored extract
2 tsp. your choice spice

#1 Add all ingredients of your choice together in a bowl. This is too simple not to try! Especially, if you buy creamer weekly like we do.
DYI Coffee Creamer

#2 Now whisk until you see no lumps.

DYI Coffee Creamer


Extracts – almond, rum, cream cheese (yes, find it on King Arthur Flour), chocolate, espresso.

Spices and additions: apple pie, pumpkin pie, cinnamon, speculaas (KA), espresso powder (IF you need a blast of energy this is it!), real cocoa.

DYI Coffee Creamer

Enjoy! Download our best pumpkin cake recipe below. This cake is soft and filled with flavor. We include our “Frosting on the Pumpkin” icing.

Our special Pumpkin Tea Cake download is below, enjoy!
Fall Blessings!
Joyous Home

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