
Our Best Carrot Cake Recipe

I made this carrot cake the other day for my Mother-in-law’s birthday. I was happy to do it, I love carrot cake! This was a great opportunity to make some to share, and some to save for later… This is such a simple recipe – I tweaked this recipe from the one I made a […]

Frozen Tiramisu Pie

This is a simple ice cream pie, but it’s so good you could almost skip cutting a piece and just eat it right from the pan with a spoon! You could even add a little drizzle of caramel or hot fudge on top… For the instant coffee in the filling, I used Starbucks VIA mocha

Little Fried Pies

That’s the best name for these, because that’s what they taste like. Made with wonton wrappers, filled just like a turnover, fried and covered with confectioners sugar. Crispy and sweet… they were described as “little pieces of fried joy”! Although I highly recommend the homemade apple filling below (it’s so yummy!), you can use canned

Mini Chocolate Town Pies

I was making a chocolate town pie the other night, and accidentally made more filling than what I needed. You can’t possibly waste such a tasty filling! I used up the extra filling by lining a few ramekin dishes with pie crust to make some individual mini pies. I think it turned out to be

Getting Ready..

We haven’t been blogging very faithfully these past two weeks, so I thought I would post a little update on what we have been doing. Our main activity has been getting ready for the CHEC Homeschool Convention in Denver on Thursday! We are very excited as this is our first year doing a booth for